lunedì 25 marzo 2019

Ciao Mark

Un saluto a Mark Hollis, che ci lascia e che non dimenticherò mai. Perché ha accompagnato la mia adolescenza e perché ha cantato brani con una potenza drammatica senza eguali nel suo genere. E comunque la capacità di emozionare travalica i generi.
Questo è uno dei miei pezzi preferiti dei Talk Talk.
Tomorrow started
Don’t look back until you try
a line so openly a lie,
Outside of you,
it’s just tomorrow starting
I’ve said I’m wrong when I’ve been right.
I’ve seen times when I’ve been sure
but still I find
I’m just the first that you take
are there reasons everybody pays?
They never seem to be any use
They never seem to be any use
it’s just tomorrow starting
Don’t look back until you’ve tried.
With time you’ll endlessly arrive
outside of use,
with just tomorrow starting
See my eyes
tell me I’m not lying.
I’m just the first that you take
are there reasons everybody pays?
They never seem to be any use
They never seem to be any use
It’s just tomorrow starting

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